Preparatory Unit (Unit Zero) Skip to main content

Preparatory Unit (Unit Zero)

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The preparatory unit (or Unit Zero) is a pre-course unit that you can modify to meet your students’ needs and help prepare them to learn in your course.

Preparatory Unit (Unit Zero)

To help you orient your students to the design of your course and your use of technology, to effectively communicate course expectations, and prepare them to be successful in your course many experts suggest you include a preparatory unit (also known as Unit Zero) in your course. This unit will often include things such as…

  • Course introduction
  • Instructor introduction
  • A discussion where students can introduce themselves to each other
  • Orientation and help documentation of the learning management system and other technologies used in the course
  • Syllabus reading
  • Syllabus quiz
  • Anything else you feel would be beneficial to your students and their success in the course

The CTL and BYU Online have worked together to create sample Preparatory Units that you may copy and customize to meet you and your students’ needs. Check back soon for more information on how to copy the Preparatory Unit into your Learning Suite or Canvas Course.