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On-campus classes taught in-person, on the days and hours listed in the Class Schedule. Social distance and other safety measures will be implemented.
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Even experienced teachers may struggle with the increased need to accommodate social distancing, online assessments, and students unable to attend class in person.


A major strength of classroom teaching is interaction with the teacher and other students. Effective classroom teaching should emphasize activities such as class/group discussion, question and answer, collaboration, walking through solutions or scenarios as a class, or other forms of active engagement.

Improving Teaching and Learning in a Physically-Distant Classroom

For specific examples of adapting teaching to accommodate physical distancing, see the following resources:

Classroom teaching can benefit from the CORE Principles of Effective (Online) Teaching:

In-Classroom Technology

If you record your class, you may need students to sign FERPA release forms. Learn more about FERPA and easy ways to collect these releases here.

In order to accommodate students who may not be able to attend class in person, you may need to access and use new classroom technology. Not all classrooms have the same tools, so check this list to see what is available in your classroom.

For more information, see the Blended Classroom Technology page.

Guidelines for Classroom Teaching and COVID-19

Physical Space and Social Distancing

For up-to-date guidelines and information, visit (under the "Classrooms" header).


For up-to-date guidelines and information, visit

Accommodating COVID-19 Illness or Quarantine

Due to the need to accommodate students’ possible inability to attend class due to COVID-19, you might consider preparing to teach in a Blended Modality. You would then be ready to respond to situations as they arise. The university has installed hardware to accommodate a blended classroom.

Further, you might anticipate the following accommodations:

For more information, see the Blended Classroom Technology page.

Switching to Online Teaching after Thanksgiving Break

All classes will be delivered fully online after the Thanksgiving break. The links below will help you decide which option to use and how to prepare to teach effectively in that modality.