Classes will be conducted entirely online using ON-DEMAND (asynchronous) digital course materials, such as video lectures. Students will not attend class on-campus.
On-Demand courses give students the most flexibility, but require extra effort to provide meaningful engagement and connection.
On-Demand Remote Delivery
On-demand remote delivery provides significant flexibility for students and teacher. However, a significant challenge of this modality is that students (and teachers) can feel disconnected from social interaction and less engaged. Teachers need to be much more intentional about creating community and fostering engagement. You can find ways to connect with students and help student connect with you and their peers at this link: Care for Students and Their Learning.
Special Considerations for On-Demand Remote Delivery and COVID-19
Accommodating COVID-19 illness or quarantine. Of all the modalities, on-demand remote delivery requires the least adaptation to accommodate illness or quarantine due to COVID-19. However, you may still need to adjust due dates for homework and assessments. The following link provides information and training on that topic:
Granting extensions to due dates
Switching to online teaching after Thanksgiving break. All classes will be delivered fully online after the Thanksgiving break. You have already chosen on-demand remote delivery so the transition should be seamless. As you consider what form your finals should take, you might be interested in the following: