CORE Principles - Spring 2020 Live Training Skip to main content

CORE Principles - Spring 2020 Live Training

CORE—Care for students; Organization; Relevance; and Evaluation and Assessment—are the four core principles of effective (online) teaching. This training provides examples of how to put these principles into practice and spark ideas for you and your class. We also help you target tools and training you need to make it happen.

4 CORE Principles of Effective (Online) Teaching

Part of the Teach Anywhere Series
June 2 - June 5, 2020

Search the Internet for “online teaching” and you will find a million answers. But which one is right for you?

It turns out that all roads lead to CORE—Care for students; Organization; Relevance; and Evaluation and Assessment—the four core principles of effective (online) teaching. How you implement these principles is really your choice. We will provide examples of how to put these principles into practice to spark ideas for you and your class. We will also help you target tools and training you need to make it happen. With these principles, you can find the path that is right for you.

Training Recording

4 CORE Principles of Effective (Online) Teaching - June 2020 (Teach Anywhere Series)

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